First Words
If I had a dollar for every time
someone told me, "you should write", I would not be able to count my dollars.
final straw came yesterday when I heard my mom say those very words. I told her
I had always resisted because I didn't want to make waves. She assured me not
to worry
about her. She's 85 years old. We agree she'll be around for at least
another 10.
This is my best new year's resolution
The time to begin is now
... naturally.
Subscribe for a first read
of the first series and receive the first edition hard copy by post.
A selection of favorites will be published in print and the first book will be
launched in 2026.
Subscribers will receive all chapters including those not
released on the print edition.
Join the adventure into a
first in writing.
meets paper 1 Jan 25.