On The Ground

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1. Arrange payment by one of the following methods.

2. Email purchase detail and reference to this address.

3. Receipt with access link will be provided by email.


  1. +852 6628 6153 HSBC 400-527057-838 (Connections Unlimited)


PayMe by HSBC


Bank Transfer

1. Deposit to HSBC 400-527057-838 (Connections Unlimited)

2. Email purchase detail and reference to this address.

3. Confirmation and receipt will be provided by email


  • Transfer at HSBC ATM bank machine
  • Deposit at HSBC cash deposit machine or bank counter during bank hours
  • Online/internet bank payment


  • PAYABLE TO: Connections Unlimited
  • Place in HSBC cheque deposit machine or cheque deposit drop-in slot or bank counter during bank hours

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